April 07, 2011

.Ca' Rezzonico.

A Grand Canal palace now open as the Museum of the Eighteenth Century in Venice 

Ca' Rezzonico, in the Dorsoduro district, is one of the grandest palaces on the Grand Canal, dating in part from the seventeenth and in part from the eighteenth century. Since 1934 it has belonged to the City of Venice, and it houses the Museo del Settecento Veneziano, the Museum of Eighteenth-Century Venice. The fine rooms, some with ceilings frescoed by Tiepolo, are ornamented with a collections of eighteenth-century furniture and art. It's not an essential tourist attraction for your first, short trip to Venice, but if you have the time and inclination for getting to know the town better, it's a fascinating place. Unless the Art Biennale is on, this may be your only chance to view the interior of a Grand Canal palazzo.

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